This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#133 Morgan returned to the kitchen, built a fire, and carried in several buckets of water from
doc#114 state universities of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont are older and more "respectable
doc#108 of oversimplification. But the South is, and has been for the past century, engaged
doc#143 , one thing I just don't think there is, and that's a sportin' way o' killin' a man"
doc#142 mother would rebuke her if she mentioned it, and say that it was none of her concern. </p>
doc#128 reactivity is augmented beyond a critical level, and several types of behavioral changes probably
doc#118 temperature in the arc column, the anode material, and the conditions in the anode sheath. 2.
doc#143 company herds were being raided less often, and cabins and soddies all over the range were
doc#144 's smothered curses. The door swung open, and Jess said sourly, "What the hell's the
doc#100 , and there the memory is more precious, and the consciousness of loss the greater.
doc#133 take any chances on getting her pregnant, and if we were sleeping together ..." </p><p>
doc#131 religion supports, re-enforces, reaffirms, and maintains the fundamental values. Even
doc#147 to the fire wall and rammed up the RPM, and the engine responded as if it had been
doc#137 he grabbed her wrist. "Oh, no", he said, and he was without humor now. "I've had enough
doc#131 engine of vindication, enforcement, sanction, and perpetuation of various other institutions
doc#113 their indulgence in liquor, marijuana, sex, and jazz. In addition, they have been converted
doc#144 the door, grabbed Black by the shoulder, and pulled him into the barn. </p><p> "You're
doc#61 Kunkel's glove and beat it out for a single, and when Lumpe grabbed the ball and threw it
doc#137 Then she turned back to Wilson and smiled, and he wasn't quite sure what she meant by
doc#126 adults does not take place until summer, and the individuals hibernate in the prepupal