This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#127 demonstration of thickened bronchial artery and arteriolar muscular coats which are capable
doc#24 made available to the public frequently and at regular intervals for residents to know
doc#116 Moscow correspondent of The New York Times, and author of "To Moscow -- And Beyond". In
doc#139 Dill was silent as if he hated to answer, and Barton had a cold, sick feeling of apprehension
doc#123 detectors sensitive to three mass intervals and based on a few counts, the second and third
doc#61 Gentile bounced a hard shot off Kunkel's glove and beat it out for a single, and when Lumpe
doc#24 should organize its civil defense setup and begin by appointing a full-time director
doc#36 influence politicians are corrupt, selfish and beyond popular control. ... These voters
doc#100 nature of the opposition between liberals and Bourbons is too little understood in the
doc#134 isn't much time. I'll saddle the horses and bring them round. You get ready". </p><p>
doc#102 gray consoles studded with lights, switches and buttons. At least a dozen men, some armed
doc#143 company herds were being raided less often, and cabins and soddies all over the range were
doc#140 congealed, where cold demon wisps still clung and caressed. </p><p> Every movement she made
doc#133 Morgan returned to the kitchen, built a fire, and carried in several buckets of water from
doc#115 power we have noticed in his early poetry and carried them out on a grand scale. His
doc#144 came down, Curt grabbed him by the hair and catapulted him head first into the wall
doc#132 afresh the traditional functions of family and child welfare services, holds rich promise
doc#134 here". The old man beckoned with one finger and Clayton went forward to him. Gavin slipped
doc#118 successfully applied for the first time by C. Sheer and co-workers (Ref. 2). The purpose of the
doc#38 . They will be for teaching, agriculture and community development in Southeast Asia