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doc#119 tension is present at 45° to
doc#120 large endothermic reaction at 470°C.
doc#120 of <formul> estimated at 470 gauss was
doc#125 stream of air at 5°C or
doc#97 group of youths at 51st street and
doc#125 were then centrifuged at 59,780 rpm for
doc#125 chromatography was done at 6°C using
doc#122 liquid carbon tetrachloride at 65° is
doc#122 radiochlorine was stored at -78° in
doc#127 would remain constant at a certain low
doc#143 'd been shot at a couple o'
doc#44 party will be at a crossroads during
doc#122 watt tungsten lamp at a distance of
doc#147 Just like shooting at a duck while
doc#103 band set off at a lope.
doc#134 FIVE THEY RODE at a measured pace
doc#56 junior high schools at a Monday night
doc#78 appointment was announced at a news conference
doc#97 Robinson was treated at a physician's
doc#129 tangent to Q at a point P