This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 I've got to take Danny away from Clayton before I lose him altogether. Hell, in a year
doc#22 by the international control commission before participating in the Geneva conference.
doc#138 would I turn my head away from the counter before he would address me, at times quite sharply
doc#142 because of its brand -- reached Hondo Creek before sundown. The herd was watered and then
doc#139 cemented by ages and pressure, yet it crumpled before the onslaught of the powerful streams,
doc#146 was now as somnolent and dull as the day before payday. Carmer himself was nowhere to be
doc#136 . There was a ragged volley. He was dead before he hit the ground. "For Christ's sake,
doc#126 weather. Even some of the queens will die before the winter is over, falling prey to enemies
doc#124 particle the further it will travel downwind before settling out. An aerosol of such small
doc#123 phenomenon also to be expected if the dust before capture is in circular orbits about the
doc#108 -- changes that were slowly emerging even before the Supreme Court decision of 1954. Then
doc#124 , plus a variable period of illness even before a lethal effect, render this weapon unsuitable
doc#115 Swedes in adversity. Then more than ever before did they show their fortitude and patient
doc#62 such festive mood as the Orioles expired before the seven-hit pitching of three Kansas
doc#61 down from West Palm Beach to play the game before 767 paying customers in Miami Stadium. </p>
doc#24 said yesterday he would be willing to go before the city council "or anyone else locally
doc#138 me: that I should not arrive in the hall before ten o'clock. When I went for my interview
doc#102 Omaha -- and see what must still happen before a wing of B-52 bombers could drop their
doc#8 previous Legislatures, in a public hearing before the House Committee on Revenue and Taxation
doc#140 jaws. </p><p> She had to get away from here before this demoniac possession swallowed up the