This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#135 looming hoods of the supply wagons, struck by a new inspiration. He set his bundle down
doc#130 long working horizon. It must be marked by a patience and persistence which have not
doc#104 one". Or the mode of love to this fragment by a recent poet: "Know ye, fair folk who
doc#119 </p><p> The actual change <formul> caused by a shear field is calculated by multiplying
doc#103 paddock, a ten-by-ten-mile square owned by a sheep grazer. They went well-equipped
doc#72 night ... Ed Donnelly is still bothered by a side injury and will miss his starting
doc#129 field of complex numbers. These are defined by a simple involutorial transformation of
doc#120 decomposition of occluded nitrates, and perhaps by a small amount of some hydrous material
doc#118 applying a porous graphite anode cooled by a transpiring gas (Argon). Thus, the energy
doc#136 Eyes was in the lead. His face was split by a vermilion streak, his eyes were pools
doc#140 from the grove. She had been snared here by a vile sensuality that writhed around her
doc#109 quiet meditative sway of the body succeeded by a violent leap; or it may involve more
doc#135 rear wall of the stockade. It was pierced by a wagon gate built of two wings. One wing
doc#147 into the gray and vanished. As if drawn by a wire the enemy flew into them. Greg tightened
doc#137 their eyes, letting himself be browbeaten by a woman. They expected greater things from
doc#125 37°C for 30 min and were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing with
doc#124 partial or low-grade immunity may be broken by an appropriate dose of agent. </p><p> There
doc#118 could be adjusted in its axial direction by an electric drive to establish the required
doc#19 -- or those of their children -- caused by an extended hospital stay". </p><p> "This
doc#19 President said he will also propose increasing, by an unspecified amount, the 540 million