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doc#115 This restless individualism found its answer when
doc#117 negligible) was found , by graphical
doc#119 potential energy is found by taking the
doc#120 data. </p><p> Douglass found <formul> to be
doc#120 symmetric. Douglass found powder intensity calculations
doc#120 is to be found in reference 6
doc#120 . <formul> was found to be paramagnetic
doc#120 in the positions found by Jones. </p>
doc#120 greater. We found no obvious effects
doc#120 of the shape found from electron microscopic
doc#121 cotton has been found to have a
doc#121 none have been found to be as
doc#122 expectations we have found it impossible to
doc#122 room temperature was found to be the
doc#122 the results was found . </p><p> The reaction
doc#122 detectable reaction was found at room temperature
doc#122 differences were still found between reaction cells
doc#125 of agglutinin was found in the regions
doc#125 the activity was found in Fraction <formul>
doc#125 B activities were found in the insoluble