This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#120 uniquely the space group , but a
doc#120 assumption the space group must be <formul>
doc#120 . This space group requires the hydrogen
doc#120 <formul> (space group <formul>),
doc#122 prepared as a group on the same
doc#125 study of blood group antibodies. These
doc#125 study of blood group antibodies of whole
doc#125 obtained from normal group A, group
doc#125 group A, group B and group
doc#125 group B and group O donors.
doc#125 the sera of group A, group
doc#125 group A, group B or group
doc#125 group B or group O donors by
doc#125 % suspension of group <formul> or group
doc#125 group <formul> or group B red cells
doc#125 In several instances group O cells were
doc#125 of the blood group of the donor
doc#125 particularly noticeable in group A and group
doc#125 group A and group B sera,
doc#125 B activity in group O serum,