This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#54 children to their homes in case of disaster", he said. "Nobody really expects to evacuate
doc#146 advice in such affairs. "You're the doctor", he returned with a smile. "But I still think
doc#107 conveniently let me have twenty dollars", he wrote one friend in 1791 when he was Secretary
doc#133 have many strays coming to my front door", he said. "Think you can walk to the table"
doc#50 flash and I was lying on the driveway", he said. </p><p> Gladden's wife and two of his
doc#8 banks, you do something to the economy", he said. "You take out of circulation many
doc#107 all night in order to support his family", he reflected. </p><p> ALL seven combined ardent
doc#146 <p> "Okay, Stevens. I've drawn his fangs", he snapped. "Go through his pockets, will
doc#107 leaders. Principal author of "The Federalist", he swung New York over from opposition to
doc#146 It's within a hundred of what Crip had", he declared. "We know Penny spent some --
doc#145 teams zigzagging up the mountain, Harmony", he spoke reassuringly, concerned by the pinched
doc#102 "I'd wind up full of .38 bullet holes", he said, and there was no question that he
doc#145 the Burnsides' glowering faces. "Honey", he whispered. "Soon as we send them on their
doc#133 I'm awfully tired". </p><p> "And hungry", he said. "Start in. It's not much of a meal
doc#27 should certainly follow through on it", he declared. "It has become our responsibility
doc#75 through playing baseball. </p><p> "I've had it", he told a newsman. "I know when my reflexes
doc#105 to hazard comments. "As my wife puts it", he said, again with a twinkle in his eyes,
doc#137 n't be riding up here after dark, Judith", he said quietly. "I can take care of this.
doc#133 toward the front door. "In the kitchen", he said. Leaning his Winchester against the
doc#141 <p> "I'll get around to it a little later", he mumbled desperately. "Just as soon as I