This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#103 possessions which were placed in front of her . There were two rubbing sticks for making
doc#95 "Much of the navy's future depends upon her ", an American naval announcement said on
doc#144 my name. Tell her Curt Adams wants to see her ". </p><p> Summers pulled up short, and turned
doc#146 brows puckered. "You owe it to Penny to give her a chance to explain that she was defending
doc#144 plans. "It doesn't seem quite right, telling her a thing like that. Couldn't I just" --
doc#145 me, being this far along". </p><p> Rod gave her a warm pat on the shoulder before he replied
doc#59 change her methods is going to determine her ability to meet the challenge of this hour
doc#148 marriage, but why she had married a man twice her age, and more, perhaps, I did not know
doc#135 took Julia Fortune in his arms. He kissed her also, and with deep tenderness. She too
doc#141 sky and wasteland it was easy to confirm her analysis. Here in the God-forsaken place
doc#145 'd be just as right as they now were for her and for Rod. But she couldn't, not yet.
doc#140 all, that the forest was in league with her and her child ... that its sympathy lay
doc#135 tenderness. She too began to weep. He released her and joined Mike. "All right", he said. </p>
doc#140 the shadows and the trees that resisted her and tried to fling her back. Her own body
doc#137 speaking slowly, making an effort to control her anger. "You could burn down this whole
doc#140 enclosed her clammy hands and twined around her ankles. It crept into the open neck of
doc#132 her fears of annihilation. Abreaction of her anxiety and guilt concerning the death
doc#137 look at his face. It didn't seem to tell her anything. She glanced around the clearing
doc#140 eating, Melissa took Sprite the kitten under her arm -- "so that Auntie Grace can teach
doc#140 preserve her balance, she fell, bruising her arm on a naked stone. For a moment, she