This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#109 method for achieving his aim. He
doc#137 slashing it across his cheek, and
doc#105 Collection to admire his favorite paintings by
doc#35 Bronx. After his speech, reporters
doc#142 would come after his son another time
doc#115 desolation. All his people ask for
doc#142 cookfire, and his wife was busy
doc#146 drunk, and his faculties were dulled
doc#89 Washington attorney and his wife, who
doc#142 between him and his wife. She
doc#139 Donald Kruger and his associates trusted him
doc#115 for nature and his visions of Sweden
doc#134 his arms around his chest and hugged
doc#62 fielding" as his 1961 goal. </p>
doc#143 an ax at his second willow when
doc#146 with Cobb at his side. </p><p> Climbing
doc#144 , dabbing at his nose. "
doc#145 looked down at his big hands and
doc#102 telephone receivers at his extreme left,
doc#111 clench them at his side, to