This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#115 War and Peace. About one-third as long, it is less intimate and detailed, but better
doc#104 downstream, where the water level is much lower, it is a high, elaborately facaded pavilion
doc#120 peculiarities of packing in the solid. Moreover, it will be asymmetric until a certain critical
doc#113 emphasized this aspect of human nature, it is fantastic to explain everything in terms
doc#131 society. Where such a value system prevails, it always unifies all who possess it; it enables
doc#121 widespread acceptance. In the over-all process, it is difficult to assign a "pure" role to
doc#121 normally encountered in the washing process, it is little wonder that the use of a number
doc#132 , and only for sound diagnostic reasons, it may be important to accompany family members
doc#101 however: rather than individual security, it is the security and continuing existence
doc#116 place in our society. Ideally speaking, it should be allowed to operate only where
doc#101 Revolution. Reduced to its simplest terms, it is an assumption of a collective duty to
doc#143 friend was forced to agree. "But ... well, it just don't seem sportin' somehow"! </p><p>
doc#101 subject" of "international law" (a term which, it is pertinent to remember, was coined by
doc#115 high school students. Admirably written, it is a perfect introduction to Swedish history
doc#114 land is not irrevocable; it can be changed; it has been, many times. Mr. Justice Taney
doc#101 both as to geography and as to population; it becomes a perilous anachronism when adopted
doc#131 yearnings, values, ideals, and purposes; it also provides facilities and incitements
doc#113 not yield to it? "Most often", she says, " it 's the monogamous relationship that is <bital>dis<eital>honest
doc#110 I have long wanted to write a book about it ). I think it is essential, however, to
doc#140 embrace. There was a peculiar density about it , a thick substance that could be sensed