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doc#102 one are told just enough so they
doc#102 mere fragments, just one portion of
doc#103 motion that is just short of stumbling
doc#103 or a house just over the next
doc#104 . </p><p> However, just as all the
doc#104 said, was just right; a
doc#104 far more than just a bridge. </p>
doc#105 ? He had just paid a brief
doc#106 five rooms, just enough for a
doc#107 "I have just come from viewing
doc#107 ", penned just before his death
doc#110 the people individually just as did the
doc#111 simplest example of just such a unit
doc#114 governments derive their just powers from the
doc#116 achieved dominance in just a few years
doc#119 the volume, just as it is
doc#119 the normal forces just as a balloon
doc#126 and let us just call them Bombus
doc#126 fashion we have just described. Some
doc#126 . This may just be pride in