This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#118 diameter porous graphite plug, <frac14> inch long . The graphite was National Carbon NC 60
doc#142 with a cup of coffee now. It shouldn't be long ". </p><p> It seemed long, at least to Tom
doc#67 four in rushing, he said: "That won't last long ". It didn't; Monday, he had four Longhorns
doc#104 from Hafiz, the purity of spring water, the long afternoon among the boughs which crowd
doc#101 duties of the state, as Sir Henry Maine noted long ago, were only two in number: internal
doc#114 many years in New England, said to me not long ago: "I can't forgive New England for rejecting
doc#114 standards) by law. </p><p> I was having lunch not long ago (apologies to N. V. Peale) with three
doc#104 neighborhood for its clarity and flavor. Not long ago an acquaintance, a slick-headed water
doc#114 from the transaction having been put away long ago in a good antiseptic brokerage). Like
doc#114 taint? It is a question which New Englanders long ago put out of their minds. But didn't
doc#131 solidarity of the group. </p><p> Durkheim noted long ago that religion as "... a unified system
doc#127 infection might be related to its delicate, long alveolar ducts and short, large bronchioles
doc#43 of great federal buildings, some a block long and all about seven-stories high. </p><p>
doc#40 recommendations made by a panel of eight in a long and detailed report. The report was completed
doc#146 porch. The front windows of the place were long and narrow, reaching nearly to the floor
doc#104 structure. From upstream it looks like a long arcaded box laid across the river; from
doc#112 my brother. He knelt down at his bed as long as he could kneel. My father had none.
doc#138 size in themselves meant nothing to me as long as I had no measure of comparison. I had
doc#141 well aware that you've got a pedigree as long as my leg, and that I don't amount to anything
doc#53 wall to keep the people in, and added, "so long as people rebel, we must not give up". </p>