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doc#101 indeed come a long way in the
doc#102 , which controls long -range bombers
doc#102 -- 140 feet long , thirty-
doc#103 move in a long drifting slant across
doc#103 narrow and very long . Every bone
doc#103 . He had long black hair and
doc#103 naked. Her long thin arms moved
doc#103 was also a long wooden spear and
doc#104 a mile- long garden of plane
doc#104 domestic architecture: long , domed,
doc#104 flavor. Not long ago an acquaintance
doc#104 water, the long afternoon among the
doc#104 looks like a long arcaded box laid
doc#104 there is a long diminishing vista like
doc#106 for my first long voyage I did
doc#107 Army for six long years of the
doc#110 as I have long wanted to write
doc#110 began, he long refused to permit
doc#111 could presumably bring long periods of flood
doc#112 his bed as long as he could