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doc#100 especially dear to Southerners; and I have heard many say that they are content to earn a half
doc#101 feature of political platforms, and all the many facets of the American version of the welfare
doc#102 fail-safe) points", the spots on the map, many miles from Soviet territory, beyond which
doc#103 areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but
doc#104 a legend than a place, and now it is for many people simply a name to which they attach
doc#104 of the square. On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a
doc#104 </p><p> Here in an evening Persians enjoy many of the things which are important to them
doc#105 instead of C, as in the scale. Because, like many other children, he intensely disliked practicing
doc#107 case, by an influential marriage. Unlike so many of the power-starved intellectuals in underdeveloped
doc#108 critics least prone to eulogize; according to many critics, in fact, the South has led the
doc#108 openly defy integration, would have astounded many of yesterday's Southerners into speechlessness
doc#108 Caldwell's Lester. While there may still be many Faulknerian Lucas Beauchamps scattered
doc#108 was accompanied by the disappearance of many genteel and aristocratic traditions of
doc#110 . Though his election was interpreted by many Southerners as the forerunner of a dangerous
doc#110 of their states did this in order to keep many of their people more securely in slavery
doc#110 the truth they fought for. The lives so many of them gave, to forestall what they believed
doc#111 decisive act. To say that science had reduced many such fears merely reiterates the obvious
doc#111 established psychological theory. There are many domains in which understanding has brought
doc#114 irrevocable; it can be changed; it has been, many times. Mr. Justice Taney's Dred Scott decision
doc#114 law of the land, but it was unpopular (how many of us oldsters took up drinking in prohibition