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doc#147 <p> The valley was only a few hundred
doc#103 , their eyes only a few inches
doc#147 question. And only a few seconds
doc#147 . It was only a fifteen-
doc#63 save place money only a head in
doc#126 baskets and possesses only a large number
doc#111 breakwaters can play only a minor part
doc#135 room had taken only a minute or
doc#147 there would be only a moment when
doc#138 hall. Though only a relatively short
doc#137 the man was only a shadow against
doc#123 experimenters claim that only a small fraction
doc#122 air trap with only a small middle
doc#118 below) since only a small region
doc#67 however, kicks only about 10 or
doc#117 beam width of only about 2<prime>
doc#124 these nozzles were only about 5 per
doc#123 the Earth, only about one third
doc#133 of Buckhorn's only about six miles
doc#113 orgasm, the only affirmation they are