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doc#108 is with a slowly changing socio-economic order in general, and he never deals with such
doc#109 a portrait of an artificially contrived order . The contemporary painter tends to depict
doc#109 relationships of pure design, which symbolize an order more real than the disorder of the perceptual
doc#109 Others look to more objective devices of order . The musician employing the serial technique
doc#109 . The composer may reverse or invert the order of his original set of intervals (or rhythms
doc#109 scheme of random numbers. But he cannot order his elements by will, either rational or
doc#109 belief that anything can follow anything. An order can be chanced rather than chosen, and
doc#109 approximate" is important, because even after the order of the work has been established by the
doc#109 drawing of random numbers may determine the order of the segments for any particular performance
doc#110 "we the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish
doc#110 sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government,
doc#110 sovereignty of their states did this in order to keep many of their people more securely
doc#114 peculiarities do not still exist? that the Court order does not unequally affect the Southern
doc#114 friend of mine in New Mexico said the Court order had caused no particular trouble out there
doc#116 bureaucracy into an East-West Contacts Staff in order to wage a cultural counter-offensive within
doc#117 which must be assumed for the black body in order that the intensity of its radiation should
doc#117 At meter wave lengths an increase of the order of 10° K in the average disk temperatures
doc#117 these are needed at several wave lengths in order that the radio emission of the moon can
doc#118 an accurate heat balance can be made. In order to reduce the number of variable parameters
doc#122 exchange occurs with a quantum yield of the order of unity in the liquid phase at 65° using