This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 inch lower and it would have knocked him out . As it was, his vision blurred and for
doc#147 carabao not airplanes". </p><p> "We'll make out . Don't you worry, chief", Greg replied,
doc#146 looked his unspoken warning and stepped out . He and Cobb clattered down the high steps
doc#142 won't" -- </p><p> Red Hogan's patience ran out . He lifted the skirt of Macklin's coat,
doc#147 relief was as great as if the sun had come out . He spread the flight out and led them
doc#141 trouble". </p><p> He opened the door and got out . He waited at the car side for a moment
doc#144 handle in an attempt to knock Curt's brains out . His aim was hurried; so the pitchfork
doc#134 . My men, they all left me. Just cleared out . I didn't understand why, Clay. They just
doc#148 she said. "You're the man. You figure it out . I've noticed the way you've been looking
doc#139 reason we brought you was to get Miller out . If you ever try anything without my orders
doc#77 out with men on second and third and two out . </p><p> In the fifth, Wally Post slashed
doc#61 third on three straight hits after two were out . </p><p> Jackie Brandt singled deep into
doc#137 pans and reflected on how things had turned out . That afternoon when they had pulled up
doc#147 speed dropped until he thought he would spin out . </p><p> Too many people think that the primary
doc#137 leaves for a while, then the sound faded out . </p><p> Wilson brushed the dust from his
doc#142 . It's here in my pocket". </p><p> "Get it out ", Brannon ordered. Then, as Macklin obeyed
doc#142 Macklin there. </p><p> "Probably just stepped out ", he said. "Maybe to have supper. Red,
doc#142 come to harm. Come on -- the key. Get it out "! </p><p> "Damned if I will. Brannon, you
doc#148 thinking about that. How will we work it out "? </p><p> "I don't know", she said. "You're
doc#36 See Joe, see Jim`", he says. "The hand is out ". </p><p> A political scientist writes of