This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#131 it. In societies like ours, however, its place is less clear and more complex. With the
doc#146 doggedly for the Palace Saloon, the last place of any consequence on this side of the
doc#116 our society because it has no legitimate place to develop. Men continuously at the head
doc#134 are plenty of fresh horses halfway at my place . If we let them go, they won't stay away
doc#142 mother behind is not good". </p><p> "In my place , you'd follow such advice as you give me
doc#142 Maguire. "And you? What would you do in my place "? </p><p> Hank shook his head. "I don't know
doc#67 year, coach Royal told me if I'd work on my place -kicking he thought he could use me", said
doc#132 casework had an important but neglected place in our network of social services. Her
doc#126 considerable time searching for a suitable nesting place . Most species seem to prefer a ready-made
doc#139 's nothing for you here". </p><p> "I got no place to go". </p><p> Barton hesitated. He did
doc#137 would serve its purpose. There was only one place where Jake Carwood's description had gone
doc#140 and out of the house. There was only one place where the mountain might receive her --
doc#113 illustrated by their refusal to dance in a public place . The dance is but a disguised ritual for
doc#69 star, Jack Spikes, though he did the team's place -kicking while nursing a knee injury. </p>
doc#102 believe that the world would become a safer place if more of us -- and more Russians and
doc#63 rapidly nearing the wire and was able to save place money only a head in front of Glen T. Hallowell
doc#130 technical assistance to these countries should place special emphasis on inducing the central
doc#116 <p> The corporation has a limited, specific place in our society. Ideally speaking, it should
doc#126 the development of a bumblebee colony take place in the smooth fashion we have just described
doc#21 that East-West friction, wherever it take place around the globe, is in essence the general