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doc#33 Republicans, Hughes said , "The
doc#114 about when he said , "They
doc#96 ", Sokol said , "they
doc#33 basis. Hughes said , "This
doc#25 , Mr. Notte said , "to
doc#54 stand", said , "We
doc#33 ". </p><p> He said , "We
doc#142 <p> Finally Luis Hernandez said , "What
doc#134 ", he said , "where
doc#33 ". </p><p> He said , "You
doc#59 Rev. Mr. Brandt said , adding that
doc#105 ", he said , again with
doc#24 point, he said , and a
doc#112 ", he said , and gestured
doc#137 ", he said , and he
doc#137 "? she said , and her
doc#133 ", she said , and suddenly
doc#137 , the girl said , and then
doc#102 ", he said , and there
doc#142 ", Brannon said , and took