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doc#110 If the Union conceded this to them, the same right must be conceded to each remaining
doc#110 fact that 70,524 other Americans gave the same measure of devotion to an opposing concept
doc#111 are not now afraid of atomic bombs in the same way that people once feared comets. The
doc#111 cross the street, or to continue on the same side. When confronted with a drunk or an
doc#111 people are fond of us frequently induces the same kind of ritual and malaise. We are forced
doc#111 We talk about national character in the same way that Copernicus talked of the compulsions
doc#112 such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the last analysis, the
doc#112 acceptance and the humility, perhaps of the same genesis, not to impose himself upon another
doc#112 pigs". </p><p> But do the plays deal with the same facets of experience religion must also
doc#112 Perhaps" stands in place of commitment. At the same time, he is plainly sympathetic, clearly
doc#113 achieve unity of form when he is at the same time engaged in a systematic derangement
doc#114 where innocence, I think, means about the same thing as redemption. A man must be able
doc#114 eminence, under pressure provided by these same immigrants, from whom the old families
doc#117 hypothetical black body which subtends the same solid angle as the visible disk of the
doc#117 11). Not all the observers have used the same procedures or made the same assumptions
doc#117 have used the same procedures or made the same assumptions about the lunar brightness
doc#119 different readings were obtained with the same fluid and the only apparent difference
doc#119 manometer with a height of h (referred to the same base as H) and a cross-sectional area of
doc#119 the fluid, the internal pressure is the same in all directions. (<bital>C<eital>) The
doc#120 <bital>R<eital>OOH compounds, but is the same as that assumed by <formul>. The bond angles