This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#19 The President said his proposals combine the "indispensable elements in a sound health
doc#101 position of sovereign equality, and, as against the "inferior" peoples of the non-Western world
doc#46 low cost with a bid that was far less than the "legitimate" bids of competing contractors
doc#76 the Bears management got the business from the "Living Room Athletic Club" when games
doc#132 settings. Woodward, for example, has emphasized the "need for a broad spectrum of services,
doc#108 Thus Faulkner reminds us, and wisely, that the "new" South has gradually evolved out of
doc#101 from one essentially negative in nature ( the "night-watchman state") to one with affirmative
doc#103 pitiless. He knows that the economy of life in the "outback" is awful. There is no room for
doc#103 equipped with everything except knowledge of the "outback" country. " </p><p> The countryside
doc#33 early 1940s". </p><p> Calling the Democrats the "party that lives, breathes and thinks
doc#116 heavily against. Perhaps a list of some of the "practices" of my company will help here
doc#81 last night was acclaimed in Rochester as the "Professional Athlete of the Year", a distinction
doc#116 In all other areas, private initiative of the "proprietorship" type should be urged to
doc#5 there was research being done on whether the "quickie" vote on the increase can be repealed
doc#116 toward business stems from the fact that the "rugged capitalist entrepreneur" no more
doc#114 lovely symbolic name), agitated continuously the "Southern question". It was nice to be
doc#108 </p><p> Those writers known collectively as the "Southern school" have received accolades
doc#125 cone" being a 2-liter Erlenmeyer flask and the "sphere," a 2-liter round-bottom flask.
doc#21 nuclear deterrent. </p><p> This increase in the "threshold", as the conventional forces
doc#23 concerned over this problem and its effect upon the "vitality of the nation". </p><p> In an important