This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#100 my wife's experience and other sources, this seems to be rarely encountered in educated
doc#146 .... While no larger than Dutch Springs, this mining supply town had the appearance of
doc#100 themselves about the South. For one thing, this is not a subject often discussed or analyzed
doc#146 were forced to maintain a sharper watch, this activity enabled them to ride in and rack
doc#21 danger points and setbacks for the West, this may merely mean the new administration
doc#123 mass greater than <formul> (Dubin, 1960); this mass threshold was derived from the detector
doc#148 education is to help you make a living; this is not so, for education offers all kinds
doc#124 to control such an outbreak of disease. this is why this approach to BW defense has
doc#0 urged that the city "take steps to remedy" this problem. </p><p> Implementation of Georgia
doc#112 what he calls "the mess", or sometimes " this buzzing confusion". I reconstruct his sentences
doc#102 </p><p> The first systematic thinking about this Pandora's box within Pandora's boxes was
doc#138 concealed it. For weeks I wandered about this neighborhood of warehouses and garages,
doc#121 place of the soil will tend to accelerate this process and effectively push off the greasy
doc#59 in the next 10 years. </p><p> To accomplish this would necessitate some changes in methods
doc#130 balanced national development. To achieve this goal of balanced development, communications
doc#22 attending the Geneva conference to achieve this . </p><p> The United States hopes that any
doc#118 following possibilities exist for achieving this : 1. The use of high voltages and low currents
doc#140 mental and physical energy toward achieving this one goal. If, as she walked, her steps
doc#16 the defendants made statements admitting this "? </p><p> "Yes, your honor", replied Bellows
doc#126 Bombus queen. </p><p> But let us return, after this gruesome interlude, to our willow catkins