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doc#103 chaps that know an area well can make their way by landmarks ... a tree here, a wash here
doc#104 discriminating awareness. </p><p> I should like, by the way , to make it clear that I am not using the
doc#105 Steinberg left Germany for the United States, by way of Switzerland. After he had spent the
doc#106 </p><p> "Would you advise us to act the same way ? You might have failed. I think it is rather
doc#107 was nobody before them to show them the way . As Madison commented to Jefferson in 1789
doc#107 his New York law office one night on the way to a party. Hamilton was bent over his
doc#108 phenomenon, an abrupt change in the Southern way of existence. A new order is thrusting
doc#108 traditions of the reputedly languid ante-bellum way of life. Many earlier writers, mourning
doc#108 hope that through its youth and its new way of life the South might be reborn and the
doc#109 determined subjectively: "the Heart, by the way of the Breath, to the Line". The test of
doc#109 painting, surrealism, had suggested the way of dealing with the dream experience, that
doc#110 he felt that necessity left him no other way to save the Union. In his Message of December
doc#111 gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people. Social invention
doc#111 not now afraid of atomic bombs in the same way that people once feared comets. The bombs
doc#111 depends in some obscure or at least uncertain way on the details of how we behave. What elements
doc#111 on his actions and I have learned, in a way , to commune with drunks, but certainly
doc#111 talk about national character in the same way that Copernicus talked of the compulsions
doc#111 protective environment. In addition, our way of dealing directly with natural phenomena
doc#112 respond to it in his own never-predictable way ? What is the history of criticism but the
doc#112 Europe's present politics, ethic, and common way of life". Yet it is not only Europe the