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doc#19 message was along expected lines. Legislators who last year opposed placing aged-care under
doc#19 system criticized the President's plan. Those who backed a similar plan last year hailed
doc#21 between the "colonialist" powers and those who have never, or not for a long time, had
doc#21 tragedies facing them, and other allies who intellectually and emotionally disapprove
doc#24 are a number of qualified city residents who would be willing to take the full-time
doc#26 under both major parties. </p><p> Mr. Reama, who retired as vice president of the American
doc#26 Mr. Reama said: "A Socialist is a person who believes in dividing everything he does
doc#28 on a new ordinance permitting motorists who plead guilty to minor traffic offenses
doc#29 greatest war in all history, to the man who was twice elected overwhelmingly by the
doc#29 people as president of the United States, and who has been the symbol to the world of the
doc#29 desperate effort to prop up a sagging candidate who has proven he cannot answer any questions
doc#30 committeewoman. County Supervisor Weldon R. Sheets, who is a candidate for the Democratic gubernatorial
doc#31 enforcement experience, and preferably one who is a lawyer. Jim Sheeran fits that description
doc#34 members of the Republican State Committee who are retiring -- voluntarily -- this year
doc#34 to Mrs. Geraldine Thompson of Red Bank, who is stepping down after 35 years on the
doc#35 dropping Controller Lawrence E. Gerosa, who lives in the Bronx, from this year's ticket
doc#35 decided to run and wanted Mr. Screvane, who lives in Queens, to replace Abe Stark,
doc#35 President of the City Council and Mr. Beame, who lives in Brooklyn, to replace Mr. Gerosa
doc#36 writes of the growth of "alienated voters", who "believe that voting is useless because
doc#36 is useless because politicians or those who influence politicians are corrupt, selfish