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doc#75 saying: " I can't hit
doc#139 away. </p><p> " I can't leave
doc#75 hit anymore. I can't run
doc#148 the Lake when I came upon him
doc#145 back quick as I can",
doc#112 least one thing I can find out
doc#137 quietly. " I can take care
doc#138 yet never did I cease to feel
doc#109 oracles of the I Ching, the
doc#105 opinion). I consider it to
doc#106 controversy and soon I could ask each
doc#138 large fans which I could dimly see
doc#138 if anything, I could do about
doc#148 who it was I could have mistaken
doc#148 wishful thinking but I could not get
doc#105 modern music, I could not resist
doc#138 exactly where, I could not tell
doc#138 darkness extended. I could observe the
doc#112 of humor that I could reconcile neither
doc#138 dark as usual I could see that