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doc#53 <p> Economically, Martin said, the United States could best help foreign countries by helping
doc#53 the people themselves. </p><p> The United States must plan to absorb the exported goods
doc#59 daily) with an immigrant entering the United States every 1<frac12> minutes, he said "our organization
doc#81 twelve months. He won the Masters, the United States Open and a record $80,738 in prize money
doc#81 Ainsley, who achieved a 19 in the United States Open. Their secondary hero is another pro
doc#95 and, by implication, of the entire United States navy's still-building nuclear sub fleet
doc#95 built on designs supplied by the United States in 1959 and was launched last year. It
doc#95 has a hull patterned on that of the United States navy's Nautilus, the world's first atomic
doc#95 imposed after Fuchs blabbed. The United States offered to supply a complete set of propelling
doc#96 the same five year period that the United States says they [the detectives] were engaged
doc#96 opening, D. Arthur Connelly, assistant United States attorney, read the indictment, but made
doc#100 hot and cold. In every war of the United States since the Civil War the South was more
doc#101 however much other nations (e.g., the United States ) may have incidentally benefited. At the
doc#101 welfare is a concept not limited to the United States or even to the Western nations. A measure
doc#101 with the separate existence of the United States as an independent entity, it is perhaps
doc#102 the Kennedy Administration, basic United States strategy has been modified -- and large
doc#102 after they are launched against the United States . BMEWS intelligence is simultaneously flashed
doc#105 Toscanini, Steinberg left Germany for the United States , by way of Switzerland. After he had spent
doc#105 guest appearances throughout the United States and Latin America. In 1945 he became conductor
doc#105 and Cologne. "Then I return to the United States for engagements at the Hollywood Bowl and