This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 been cheap -- just the little he had left after Amelia's burial -- and it would serve its
doc#103 the squall as mercilessly as a wolf pack after an abandoned cow. I followed them in the
doc#115 Turkey, and finally reaches his own land after an absence of eighteen years. He finds
doc#68 fourth-down screen pass from the Mustang 21 after an incomplete pass into Gannon's territory
doc#128 administration of tranquilizers, but asynchrony after application of analeptic and psychoactive
doc#122 cases there was readily measurable exchange after as little as one hour of illumination.
doc#48 widow started the circulation of petitions after Barnard was reprimanded for violating the
doc#27 signers affixed their names, it was learned, after being told that no tax increase would be
doc#84 store and stole $150 from the cash register after choking and beating him. A baby was burned
doc#62 Steve Barber joined the club one week ago after completing his hitch under the Army's accelerated
doc#125 was detected (Region 3, Fig. 1). Moreover, after concentration using negative pressure dialysis
doc#137 expressionless. "You shouldn't be riding up here after dark, Judith", he said quietly. "I can
doc#36 the norm in Massachusetts public life. Day after day some new episode is reported. </p><p>
doc#108 federal laws. This bold self-assertion, after decades of humble subservience, is indeed
doc#125 controls. The red cells were used within 2 days after donation and were washed with large amounts
doc#125 Rh antibody tests were used within 3 days after drawing except for the <formul> cells,
doc#107 large family Hamilton went back to the law after each spell of public service. Talleyrand
doc#29 stopped beating and the lifeblood congealed after Eisenhower retired. Now he's gone, the
doc#122 before opening and weighing the fragments after emptying. The fraction of exchange was
doc#120 which had been exposed to the atmosphere after evacuation at 375°C, showed the presence