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doc#125 agglutination of <formul> cells in saline could be produced by the insoluble material from
doc#119 that state (i.e., volume for an ideal gas) could be reached by chance alone. This is known
doc#118 anode was established. The anode ablation could be reduced to a negligible amount. The
doc#118 net energy loss of the arc to the anode could be reduced to approximately 15% of the
doc#141 knowledge of such things, she knew that the car could be repaired there; sufficiently, at least
doc#146 crown, stuffed behind the stained sweatband, could be seen thin, crumpled wads of currency
doc#140 density about it, a thick substance that could be sensed but never identified, never actually
doc#133 immediately and strode to his rifle. It could be some kind of trick Budd had thought
doc#102 Readiness exercises" are almost continuous. Each could be the real thing. </p><p> In the command
doc#146 twinkling. So far as he knew, only his father could be there. What did it mean? Clapping spurs
doc#105 sunshine, he asked if the soft background music could be turned off. Unfortunately, it was Muzak
doc#138 vents, down at the far end of the hall, could be turned on by a master switch situated
doc#119 is expected to be especially useful if it could be used to measure the elasticity of heavy
doc#124 example. The secondary consequences from this could be very serious and must be taken into
doc#45 administration -- the shortage of cash. It could become an acute problem in the coming fiscal
doc#138 exhaust fans seemed to indicate that the hall could become crowded for air. One afternoon,
doc#102 sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told
doc#53 Economically, Martin said, the United States could best help foreign countries by helping
doc#11 large cities get money which Cotten felt could better be spent providing water for rural
doc#137 making an effort to control her anger. "You could burn down this whole mountainside with