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doc#104 long diminishing vista like a visual echo
doc#104 with sensations, like a young prince
doc#147 would be canceled like all the others
doc#139 . Hague, like all who worked
doc#100 . This seems like an attitude favoring
doc#141 out of him like an electric current
doc#127 , net- like anastomoses were noted
doc#81 nerves from jangling like banjo strings.
doc#7 polls was just like being at church
doc#102 consoles that look like business machines.
doc#113 domesticity, for like cats they are
doc#81 some god- like creature who had
doc#148 a bear- like crush. Her
doc#11 by big cities like Dallas and Fort
doc#134 running horses flowed like dark streams over
doc#119 to rubber- like deformation. The
doc#82 <p> The owners would like each club in
doc#142 a little kid like Elena! </p><p> At
doc#105 , featured novelties like Erdmann's Piano
doc#100 American Dream, like everybody else. </p>