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doc#100 are content to earn a half or a third as much as they could up North because they so
doc#100 much as they could up North because they so much prefer the quieter habits of their home
doc#101 have, however, thrown it into confusion, so much so that it is safe to say that all international
doc#101 strictly national in motivation, however much other nations (e.g., the United States)
doc#101 campaigns being waged not on whether but on how much social legislation there should be. </p>
doc#101 view of law and sovereignty still dominates much of today's legal and political thinking
doc#103 stretches have an inhuman moonlike quality. But much of the land which the aborigine wanders
doc#103 worn off and I realized the aborigines were much darker than they appeared; as if the coating
doc#104 famous mosques, and commercial life -- very much a social institution -- in the bazaar.
doc#104 from downstream, where the water level is much lower, it is a high, elaborately facaded
doc#104 paradoxical, for Persians chase the golden calf as much as any people. Many of them, moreover,
doc#104 peasant. Nonetheless, they take time out -- much time -- from the game of grab and these
doc#105 and Mahler". </p><p> Since he introduces so much modern music, I could not resist asking
doc#107 statesmen from any later period achieved so much in so concentrated a span of years. </p>
doc#107 office firmly fixed. John Adams fashioned much of pre-Revolutionary radical ideology,
doc#107 Madison once remarked: "My life has been so much a public one", a comment which fits the
doc#107 concluded that "no lawyer in America ever did so much business as I did" and "for so little profit
doc#108 this new coat of paint. The Negro faces as much , if not more, difficulty in fitting himself
doc#109 dances that "moved all over the stage", much as Pollock's paintings move violently over
doc#110 And so I would only touch upon it now ( much as I have long wanted to write a book about