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doc#105 for a short vacation -- Forte dei Marmi, a place he loves. Since it is not far from Viareggio
doc#111 which dispelled our fears of the cosmos took place three centuries ago. What additional roles
doc#112 within a closed pattern. "Perhaps" stands in place of commitment. At the same time, he is
doc#113 illustrated by their refusal to dance in a public place . The dance is but a disguised ritual for
doc#114 usually turns out to be from Thailand, or any place other than the American South. It would
doc#116 economy. Socialism, I grant, has a definite place in our society. But let us not complain
doc#116 <p> The corporation has a limited, specific place in our society. Ideally speaking, it should
doc#116 our society because it has no legitimate place to develop. Men continuously at the head
doc#121 or temporarily sorbed on the surface in place of the soil will tend to accelerate this
doc#122 admitted and the exchange was allowed to take place . The radiochlorine was stored at -78° in
doc#126 Bombus queen after she has left her feeding place , we may discover the snug little hideout
doc#126 considerable time searching for a suitable nesting place . Most species seem to prefer a ready-made
doc#126 the development of a bumblebee colony take place in the smooth fashion we have just described
doc#126 first activity of the adults does not take place until summer, and the individuals hibernate
doc#128 significance. Facilitatory processes take place between neocortex and hypothalamus via
doc#130 technical assistance to these countries should place special emphasis on inducing the central
doc#130 which democratic developments must take place if the society is to become an open community
doc#131 SOME OF THE MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION The place of religion in the simple, preliterate
doc#131 it. In societies like ours, however, its place is less clear and more complex. With the
doc#131 religions define for the individual his place in the universe and give him a feeling