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doc#81 frustrations were driving them to despair. If such a paragon of perfection as Palmer could
doc#81 paragon of perfection as Palmer could commit such a scoring sacrilege, there was hope left
doc#81 golf with a serious intensity, Palmer has such an inherent sense of humor that it relieves
doc#100 to-day. I am naive, they say, to make use of such words. </p><p> I take this to mean that the
doc#100 friends. His assumption seems to be that any such friends, being tolerable humans, must be
doc#100 poll being taken on the question. No doubt such a thing would be considered unpatriotic
doc#100 even to-day discount the fact that a region such as the coastal lowlands centering on Charleston
doc#100 have. The North should thank its stars that such has been the case; but at the same time
doc#100 antipathy to Northern civilization includes such charges as poor manners, harsh accents,
doc#101 externally, against the power and influence of such other claimants for loyalty as the Church
doc#102 continents? Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster? Is anything being done to increase
doc#102 pistol-packing men could give orders to push such buttons. </p><p> To the men in the instrument
doc#103 hills roll softly. </p><p> The malignancy of such a landscape has been beautifully described
doc#103 signals or weakens is done. I do not know if such a way of life can come to be a self-conscious
doc#103 skin has a light dusty cast to it. In spots such as the elbows and knees the second skin
doc#104 of all of this was the square, which one such traveler declared to be "as spacious, as
doc#105 Wasn't this an unusually young age to fill such a responsible post? Yes, the Maestro assented
doc#105 concert pianist and had even performed as such . However, when he assumed the duties of
doc#107 "whether a nation organized and governed such as ours can endure". </p><p> It is well then
doc#108 say that the South is no longer agrarian; such a statement would be the rankest form of