This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 hand on him, but the threat of violence was there . His face took on a sudden pallor, became
doc#135 of the two frame buildings. He crouched there . </p><p> His shout had been taken up and
doc#138 never did I cease to feel myself a stranger there . </p><p> I returned to the hall, despite
doc#135 parade ground. Someone evidently was on duty there . No doubt there would be men guarding the
doc#138 figures, at the most. Drifting here and there . Squatting, as if waiting. The pulsing
doc#135 inside the stockade and freed the horses there . These poured through the gate and joined
doc#134 That's a new land. A man could make a mark there . Two men, together like us, we could do
doc#146 far as he knew, only his father could be there . What did it mean? Clapping spurs to the
doc#148 because there was quite a noted art colony there . When my Uncle offered me a part-time job
doc#142 from the saddle and had a look inside. "Not there ", he said, getting back onto his horse.
doc#146 swiftly. </p><p> Russ pointed upward. "He's there ", he got out tersely, curbing his rising
doc#146 luck. "Penny's always glad to see me over there ", he mused bleakly. Yet had he not visited
doc#133 about six miles from here. Why didn't you go there "? </p><p> "We didn't want town work", Jones
doc#139 straightened in surprise. </p><p> "What's he doing there "? </p><p> Again Dill hesitated. "Dealing
doc#144 someone rattled the door. </p><p> "Who's in there "? Black called fearfully. </p><p> Curt opened
doc#144 Black yelled, "Jess! What's going on out there "? </p><p> Jess didn't seem too sure himself
doc#133 made, but you'll find plenty of blankets there ". </p><p> "You're awfully kind", the girl
doc#81 much nicer it would be to drop one way up there ". </p><p> For a serious young man who plays
doc#6 is in his 13th year as a legislator, said there "are some members of our congressional
doc#101 wisdom, to describe the modern world. Is there a different reality behind the facade?