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doc#116 making military aircraft and accessories, or where the investment and risk for a proprietorship
doc#24 city residents for not knowing what to do or where to assemble in case of an air attack
doc#24 person in a hundred would know what to do or where to go in the event of an enemy attack
doc#5 on the increase can be repealed outright or whether notice would have to first be given
doc#116 master technology for the benefit of mankind, or whether technology will rule and develop
doc#140 its own musical evening laughter. Red man or white man, pacifist or killer, the forest
doc#117 sources by observing with large reflectors or with interferometers. Measurements of polarization
doc#101 whether with the British navy ruling the seas or with the City of London ruling world finance
doc#36 escape the impression that petty chicanery, or worse, is the norm in Massachusetts public
doc#136 Knife come up and kill you and your people, or would you steer him on someone else"? He
doc#104 , with the melodic line like the painted or woven line often flowing into an arabesque