This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 fight minutes ago, and that his leaden arms were flailing at nothing but the air. </p><p>
doc#142 Jose Amado and a kid known only as Laredo, were picked for the first trick of riding night
doc#142 into grownups' affairs -- as though she were a little kid like Elena! </p><p> At the moment
doc#142 Elena! </p><p> At the moment, the three men were not saying much of anything. They were
doc#142 men were not saying much of anything. They were sitting on their heels, rider-fashion,
doc#142 and about what he now intended to do. They were considering it gravely, neither seeming
doc#142 But I'm going to have my son". </p><p> They were silent for a little while, each looking
doc#142 behind their saddle cantles. </p><p> There were seven of them, enough for a show of strength
doc#142 himself outside the law. </p><p> With him were Hank Maguire, Luis Hernandez, and Luis's
doc#142 and Luis's son Pedro. The Ramirez brothers were also along. The seventh man was Red Hogan
doc#142 streak and a liking for hell-raising. They were all good men. </p><p> It was dark early,
doc#142 because of the storm, the streets of Rockfork were deserted. Lighted windows glowed jewel-
doc#143 worth. A good many beef-hungry settlers were accepting the death of William Lewis as
doc#143 William Lewis as proof that the warning notes were not idle threats. The company herds were
doc#143 were not idle threats. The company herds were being raided less often, and cabins and
doc#143 and cabins and soddies all over the range were standing deserted. But there were other
doc#143 range were standing deserted. But there were other homesteaders who passed the Lewis
doc#143 where the shooting had been done, cattle were still disappearing. For less than a dozen
doc#143 been the rifleman's hiding place. There were no tracks of either hoofs or boots. Not
doc#143 the first two murders, the warning notes were rarely ignored. The lesson had been learned