This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 was a nester swingin' the long rope? Which would you be most scairt of -- a dry-gulchin'
doc#144 were to drop a match in here, this place would go up like a haystack". He started toward
doc#144 n't interpret it this way. A man like Jess would want to have a ready means of escape in
doc#144 in case it was needed. Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding. </p><p>
doc#144 doubted that any animal belonging to Jess would find much reassurance in its owner's voice
doc#144 n't it, Adams? If we was both armed, you would n't talk so tough". </p><p> "No"? Curt reached
doc#144 sent him spinning. An inch lower and it would have knocked him out. As it was, his vision
doc#144 <p> Curt was in almost as bad shape, but he would n't quit. He backed Jess into a corner,
doc#144 him to shut the door and hook it. Black would have little trouble getting out, but it
doc#145 in his head was itching, Dan knew that it would heal. But his only hat was something else
doc#145 Dan swung her up into the load. "A body would swear I floated right up here on a cloud
doc#146 money" -- </p><p> Pat grunted. "Where else would he get it? Count what you've got there,
doc#146 amount it was highly unlikely any cowpuncher would come by honestly. Pat nodded. "It's within
doc#146 had he not visited the girl at Saw Buck he would never have been involved in this latest
doc#146 money unless he was told -- and who else would have told him"? he asked himself. "It's
doc#146 briefly. If he wondered whether the attackers would allow him to pull away unmolested, he had
doc#147 them. There was a feeling that this mission would be canceled like all the others and that
doc#147 that this muddy wet dark world of combat would go on forever. </p><p> The truck dropped
doc#147 luck, and his prayer that pilot and plane would always return. At the prearranged time,
doc#147 plane was out of sight, he knew Donovan would keep his back to the strip. He wondered