This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 he exploded. "That's all I ask"! </p><p> He never got that chance. For the unseen,
doc#143 into the center of William Lewis' chest. He slumped against a log fence rail, then
doc#143 </p><p> It took some time to locate Horn. He was finally found in the Bates Hole region
doc#143 shaken. The authorities had to release him. He immediately rode on to Cheyenne, threw
doc#143 when the distant blast of a rifle sounded. He looked around in surprise, then noticed
doc#143 intention of searching for the assassin. He heaved the dead man onto the buckboard,
doc#143 plain, straight-out shoot-down". </p><p> He had lots of friends, then as always. Even
doc#143 in trade", Tom mentioned more than once. He evidently couldn't foresee that it might
doc#143 might be his downfall in the end. </p><p> He had made himself the personification of
doc#143 much larger salary from parties unknown. He made their spreads his headquarters, and
doc#144 voice was oily, but Summers wasn't fooled. He moistened his lips uneasily. </p><p> "What
doc#144 continued to smile, but his eyes were cold. He turned and looked around at the lobby as
doc#144 this place would go up like a haystack". He started toward the stairway, then turned
doc#144 precaution in case anyone should be watching. He paused only long enough to ascertain that
doc#144 circled the house and located a barn out back. He could hear horses moving around inside,
doc#144 , only an iron hook which he unfastened. He opened the door and went in, pulling it
doc#144 scrape of a shod hoof on a plank floor. He moved ahead carefully, his left hand in
doc#144 grain being ground between strong jaws. He found a match in his pocket and lit it.
doc#144 spineless a person as the store owner. </p><p> He studied the problem for a few seconds and
doc#144 Curt had hoped, the house door banged open. He slapped the buckskin again and it kicked