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doc#121 small uncharged particles, or to stick to an uncharged surface. Obviously, if colloidal
doc#121 a charged particle will tend to stick to an uncharged surface and vice versa, and a
doc#148 people tick. </p><p> I worked for my Uncle ( an Uncle by marriage so you will not think
doc#148 cheeks. True, she was my Aunt, married to an Uncle related to me only by marriage, but
doc#100 President of the same stamp, would try to coerce an uncooperative Congress or Supreme Court
doc#130 appreciation of professional standards and an understanding of the tremendous powers
doc#100 This, for the liberals I know, would be an understatement. Theirs is no mere lack
doc#95 about the ship were found reproduced in an undeveloped roll of film taken from Lonsdale
doc#111 experiment in physics. I am usually filled with an uneasiness that through some unwitting
doc#137 they weren't going to town at all. He had an uneasy feeling about it. That girl last
doc#112 mother had run away from home to give me an unhappy childhood. I told him no, that
doc#111 firmly, with the Newtonian innovation of an universal force that could account quantitatively
doc#119 a parameter which is probably varying in an unknown manner with many commercial materials
doc#120 doubt. INTRODUCTION THE magnetic moment of an unpaired electron associated nearby may
doc#45 The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor. It is
doc#108 bemoans the Southern writers' creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is
doc#136 world you people live in". </p><p> Oso gave me an unruffled look. "Old Knife's got the largest
doc#112 look as if they had been sculptured with an unsharpened chisel. Unruly hair goes straight
doc#19 said he will also propose increasing, by an unspecified amount, the 540 million dollars
doc#40 each additional 30,000,000 people up to an unspecified cut-off point. GENEVA, JUNE