This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense an ancient brand of justice the men of the
doc#143 monthly wage of about $125, very good money in an era when top hands worked for $30 and found
doc#144 Brenner", he said haltingly, beginning to get an inkling of Brenner's plans. "It doesn't
doc#144 else. There was no lock on the door, only an iron hook which he unfastened. He opened
doc#144 didn't finish the motion. Pistol-whipping an unarmed man might come easy to someone
doc#144 sensing this, and realizing that it gave him an advantage, Jess became bold. </p><p> "Having
doc#144 Jess's twisting, and he swung the handle in an attempt to knock Curt's brains out. His
doc#145 and blood, filthy as a pig and naked as an Indian, kissing the finest, the sweetest
doc#146 side of the street. </p><p> The Palace was an elaborate establishment, built practically
doc#146 reaching nearly to the floor and affording an unusually good view of the interior. Heading
doc#146 . Stevens was nowhere in sight. Muffling an exclamation, Russ sprang to the nearest
doc#146 opened in back of the bar, running toward an ell. Pat moved into it. Small rooms, probably
doc#146 </p><p> Russ ran through the bills and named an amount it was highly unlikely any cowpuncher
doc#146 with a smile. "But I still think Penny's an awful nice girl, Russ" -- </p><p> "You do
doc#146 a play for that money. </p><p> How much of an accident could that be"? </p><p> Nearing
doc#146 gun. In town no one paid much attention to an occasional shot; but on the range gunfire
doc#146 house, he was covering ground fast when an angry bee buzzed past close to his face
doc#146 Recklessly hurling the bronc sidewise into an intersecting draw, he plunged forward with
doc#147 'll bust your ass in this canyon. That's an order". </p><p> He moved the flights over
doc#147 barrel roll would bring them out. A hell of an altitude for a barrel roll, but it could