This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 raised his hands shoulder high. </p><p> " Does this make it any easier, coward"? </p><p>
doc#144 He had to make Jess talk, and he had to do it before Stacey Black got curious and
doc#144 dropped his own beside it. </p><p> "We'll do it another way, then", he said harshly.
doc#144 ! What's going on out there"? </p><p> Jess did n't seem too sure himself. He lurched drunkenly
doc#144 "Tell me about Arbuckle! You killed him, did n't you"? </p><p> "It was Brenner's idea",
doc#145 reckoning for rental on the oxen. Jackson was doing most of the talking. So long as Sally's
doc#145 pa was coming out best on the haggle, Dan did n't feel the need of putting in his two-
doc#145 sleeve. If I hadn't got Nate stopped when I did , my duds'd all be shot plumb to hell! </p>
doc#145 Much as they had to look forward to, they did n't begrudge a moment of the time they spent
doc#145 But even a reunion as joyous as this one did not make a break in the routines of the
doc#145 Jacksons and Dan as their true guests of honor, did the Harrows take time to catch up on the
doc#145 time to catch up on the news. No sooner did they hear of Dan's injury than both Gran
doc#145 her side among the ringed spectators, " do n't that fiddle make you wish the Bible
doc#145 don't that fiddle make you wish the Bible did n't say us Baptists can't dance"? </p><p>
doc#145 understanding, Harmony said generously, "I do n't mind setting here along with Gran while
doc#145 hands and slowly flexed his long fingers. " Do n't reckon there's nobody out there, 'cept
doc#145 was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent
doc#145 mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree
doc#145 nearsightedly scrutinized Dan's face. "How 's Sally like rubbin' agin that thar little
doc#146 in". </p><p> Cobb's assent was tight. "You do the same. It's all I ask, Stevens". </p>