This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#19 homes. </p><p> He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals
doc#72 given only the one pass in his 27 innings, an unusual characteristic for a southpaw. </p>
doc#146 reaching nearly to the floor and affording an unusually good view of the interior. Heading
doc#105 of regular conductor. </p><p> Wasn't this an unusually young age to fill such a responsible
doc#148 When our eyes met the air was filled with an unuttered message of "Me, too". You have
doc#141 lately eaten, Lord straightened him with an uppercut. A rabbit punch redoubled him.
doc#132 expended. </p><p> That we are experiencing an upsurge of interest in the many formulations
doc#121 this section attempts to present briefly an up-to-date picture of the physical chemistry
doc#108 more, difficulty in fitting himself into an urban economy as he did in an agrarian
doc#108 book concerned with the Negro's role in an urban society is rare indeed; recently
doc#108 or minor, has made the urban problems of an urban South his primary source material
doc#108 to face the urbanization of the South -- an urbanization which, despite its dramatic