This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#121 alkylbenzenesulfonates) and contain up to 50% by weight of sodium tripolyphosphate or a mixture of
doc#132 full-blown panic concerning the welfare of the entire family. Inability to care for
doc#101 societal responsibility existed for the welfare of the people within the territorial state
doc#147 took him off the rough strip spoke well of the skill of Donovan. </p><p> Greg's mission
doc#60 insurance fraud trial. </p><p> Denials were of motions of dismissal, continuance, mistrial
doc#105 early years of orchestra participation were of invaluable help to his career. "By observing
doc#126 certain parts of the United States west of the Great Plains, for example, in Utah
doc#49 authority to sell a 520-acre tract west of Stage 1 Residential to Philadelphia Builders
doc#136 like signaling Indian scouts, the whinny of a restless pony made one's skin crawl.
doc#136 a few reached our wall. I heard the whir of an ax and a Canadian's face burst apart
doc#48 Horace A. Davenport, counsel for the widow of the man killed last Nov. 1 by Barnard's
doc#117 in diameter with a resultant beam width of only about 2<prime> (Amenitskii, Noskova
doc#115 their native Naxos he speaks with his wife of the masterpiece which rises before them
doc#134 brooding, too strong to be broken by the will of men. Gavin sighed bitterly. In that inert
doc#131 for example, a plan that fulfills the will of God, which advances the Kingdom of God,
doc#111 cause, and these they attribute to the will of God". Perhaps things were even worse then
doc#134 the prairie in a flat black line. The wind of their running was cold and wild, the horses
doc#122 light was filtered by the soft glass window of the thermostat thus ensuring that only
doc#146 quickly to the plank porch. The front windows of the place were long and narrow, reaching
doc#102 see what must still happen before a wing of B-52 bombers could drop their H-bombs. </p>