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doc#129 points. In each case, lines of the bundles are transformed by involutions within the pencils
doc#129 case the fixed elements within each pencil are the multiple secant and the line joining
doc#129 secant. In the second, the fixed elements are the lines which join the vertex, P, to
doc#129 secant. The multiple secants, of course, are exceptional and in each case are transformed
doc#129 course, are exceptional and in each case are transformed into cones of order <formul>
doc#129 passes through <formul>, and if <formul> are the points in which <agr> meets g, and
doc#130 obligation pertains only to countries which are honestly seeking to become responsible
doc#130 priorities for policy. The men in power are committed in principle to modernization
doc#130 modernization, but economic and social changes are proceeding only erratically. Isolated enterprises
doc#130 enterprises have been launched, but they are not yet related to each other in a meaningful
doc#130 announcement. The civil services in such societies are generally inadequate to deal competently
doc#130 view that planning and national development are serious matters which call for effort as
doc#130 to accept the unpleasant fact that they are responsible for their fates. Only within
doc#130 and aspirations of the people themselves are effectively taken into account. If modernization
doc#130 into account. If modernization programs are imposed from above, without the understanding
doc#130 third stage in the modernization process are such countries as India, Brazil, the Philippines
doc#130 Brazil, the Philippines, and Taiwan, which are ready and committed to move into the stage
doc#130 external assistance in the economic sphere are cumulative, and many of the policies suggested
doc#130 of men have been trained, bureaucracies are still deficient in many respects; even
doc#130 personnel is still needed in many cases. There are also more basic problems. This is the stage