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doc#131 diversity of religious viewpoints, there are differences of opinion as to the essential
doc#131 essential features of religion; and there are different opinions as to the essential
doc#131 Although the inner functions of religion are not of direct significance in social organization
doc#131 consequences. If the inner functions of religion are performed, the individual is a composed
doc#131 his social life among his fellows. There are several closely related inner functions
doc#131 things in it, at the higher religious levels, are the inner emotional, mental, and spiritual
doc#131 unassisted practical knowledge and skill are felt by him to be inadequate. He is confronted
doc#131 wrongdoing or sinning or some tormenting secret are relieved for the less self-contained or
doc#131 of ultimate ends for the society, which are compatible with the supreme eternal ends
doc#131 values, ends and goals fostered by religion are a most important factor. Without a system
doc#131 of a religion also reflecting the values are expressed in creeds, dogmas, and doctrines
doc#131 behavior, bind the devotees together. These are ways of jointly participating in significantly
doc#131 religiously sanctified behavior. The codes are mechanism for training in, and directing
doc#131 adherents of any world or interpeople religion are cases in point. It might be pointed out
doc#131 its own supernatural prescriptions that are at the same time codes of behavior for
doc#132 generalized sense to any casework situation. We are preventing or averting pathogenic phenomena
doc#132 . While some suppression and some denial are not only necessary but healthy, the worker
doc#132 knowledge must determine how these defenses are being used, what healthy shifts in defensive
doc#132 what healthy shifts in defensive adaptation are indicated, and when efforts at bringing
doc#132 relevant issues ("underlying problem") which are , often in a dramatic preconscious breakthrough