This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#112 a type that it admits the chaos and does not try to say that the chaos is really something
doc#105 at the age of five-and-a-half, he could not understand why the alphabet begins with
doc#114 not still exist? that the Court order does not unequally affect the Southern region? Who
doc#129 exceptional lines, or lines whose images are not unique. The most obvious of these is the
doc#45 28 million for a grant-in-aid program, a not unlikely conclusion, it could very well
doc#142 his coat collar against the rain. It was not until he moved across the porch that he
doc#104 , by the way, to make it clear that I am not using the word "Persians" carelessly. I
doc#147 sight and then added another. The enemy did not veer. It did not seem possible that they
doc#100 Bourbon economic philosophy, moreover, is not very different from that of Northern conservatives
doc#117 have been observed as radio sources, and not very much information is available. Mars
doc#146 over there", he mused bleakly. Yet had he not visited the girl at Saw Buck he would never
doc#142 oversized padlock. Macklin balked again, not wanting to unlock and open the door. They
doc#121 these phenomena and their interrelations are not well understood at the present, this section
doc#33 the test of what is right and just, and not what is expedient at the time". ATTACKS
doc#37 mathematics. </p><p> Mr. Delaney and Mr. O'Neill are not willing to vote on the public-school measure
doc#103 does the Australian government justifiably not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a
doc#108 himself with these matters; such are simply not within his bounded province. </p><p> Where
doc#54 of cars "might not be realistic and would not work". </p><p> Mrs. Molvar asked again that
doc#145 were for her and for Rod. But she couldn't, not yet. Not with the memory of her folks and
doc#123 less than a factor of 4.5. The data have not yet been analyzed for diurnal variations