This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 to get them back into town. A wildcatter had to be prepared for almost any emergency
doc#112 writing: in the last analysis, the questions had to be settled by the work itself. Nevertheless
doc#135 And, for the sake of Julia and Susan, it had to be tried. </p><p> The guerrilla bivouac
doc#119 available at a very slow rate. A system had to be used which did not depend upon the
doc#141 be prepared for almost any emergency. He had to depend on himself, since he was invariably
doc#144 attention. He had to make Jess talk, and he had to do it before Stacey Black got curious
doc#133 ". </p><p> "We got fired", Jones said. "We had to do something". </p><p> They were a pair
doc#140 listen? </p><p> Pamela groped blindly. She had to escape. She had to move in some direction
doc#140 the rigid fixture of her jaws. </p><p> She had to get away from here before this demoniac
doc#100 factors. All Southerners agree that slavery had to go; but many historians maintain that
doc#145 road and disappear from sight. Much as they had to look forward to, they didn't begrudge
doc#144 his own problems to pay much attention. He had to make Jess talk, and he had to do it
doc#140 Pamela groped blindly. She had to escape. She had to move in some direction -- any direction
doc#141 <p> The trouble was that he had virtually had to protest. The deputy had forced him to
doc#148 college", I grinned, "I remember a poem I had to read in my lit class. I don't even remember
doc#143 alibi couldn't be shaken. The authorities had to release him. He immediately rode on
doc#22 too trusting of Communists, it gradually had to relinquish them. </p><p> One factor was
doc#107 funding operations of the Government he had to resort to borrowing small sums from
doc#141 that anything a brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb important, as well
doc#134 </p><p> Gavin's lips moved so that Clayton had to stoop to catch the words. "Do you remember