This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#140 fixture of her jaws. </p><p> She had to get away from here before this demoniac possession swallowed
doc#140 engulfed her, foreclosing every possible exit from the grove. She had been snared here by
doc#140 -- any direction that would take her away from this evil place. </p><p> She thrust forward
doc#140 snapped as she pushed them ruthlessly away from her. </p><p> Miraculously, she found exactly
doc#141 and attempted to kiss her. She yanked away from him furiously. </p><p> "You shut up! shu-tt
doc#141 straightened again, brushing the red Permian dust from his hands, slapping it from his six-dollar
doc#141 Permian dust from his hands, slapping it from his six-dollar levis and his tailored,
doc#141 since he was invariably miles and hours away from others. </p><p> "Well, let's get going",
doc#141 pretended indifference, she took a compact from her purse and went through the motions
doc#141 could not grasp that Lord had withdrawn from the fight minutes ago, and that his leaden
doc#142 the remuda. They got tin cups of coffee from the big pot on the coosie's fire, rolled
doc#142 camp nearby. Billie had unhitched the mules from both Tom Brannon's and his father's wagon
doc#142 twins and little Elena, trying to keep them from falling into the creek by which they persisted
doc#142 see to that". </p><p> "But after a time away from you ...". </p><p> "A year, Luis? Five? Ten
doc#142 influence by then. I've got to take Danny away from Clayton before I lose him altogether. Hell
doc#142 rode to the Welcome Cafe. Hogan got down from the saddle and had a look inside. "Not
doc#142 too late. They closed in fast, kept him from reaching inside his coat for his gun. </p>
doc#142 lawman's other arm. They escorted him down from the porch and through the rain to his office
doc#142 the skirt of Macklin's coat, took his gun from its holster, tossed it onto the desk. "
doc#142 </p><p> They moved in on him, crowded him from all sides. No man laid a hand on him, but