This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 fire and put coffee on, and now was busy at the work board of his chuck wagon. He was
doc#142 wood for a cookfire, and his wife was busy at it now. Conchita kept an eye on the twins
doc#142 they persisted in playing. Conchita nagged at the younger children, attempting without
doc#142 after the Maguires joined it, which had been at midday. He'd come alone, without his wife
doc#142 withdraw my advice -- no"? </p><p> Brannon looked at Hank Maguire. "And you? What would you
doc#142 getting back onto his horse. "Maybe he's at the hotel". </p><p> They rode to the Rockfork
doc#142 shouldn't be long". </p><p> It seemed long, at least to Tom Brannon. He and Hogan waited
doc#142 -- Macklin began. </p><p> "We'll talk over at your office". </p><p> "Brannon, I warn you
doc#142 when they let go of his arms. He looked at each of them in turn, Brannon last of all
doc#142 to the edge of the veranda, peered down at them with his hand on his gun. </p><p> "Do
doc#143 and passed, and the men who had scoffed at the warnings laughed with satisfaction.
doc#143 neighbors of writing them. He had cursed at them and threatened them. He was a man,
doc#143 that August morning after a bullet landed at his feet, and once more he accused and
doc#143 hands, and he threw some answering fire back at the mysterious far-off shot, then spent
doc#143 yards. Rumors of the offer Tom Horn had made at the Stockgrowers' Association meeting had
doc#143 hints among friends. </p><p> "Dead center at three hundred yards, that coroner said"
doc#143 promised to do. </p><p> Tom Horn was soon back at work, giving his secret employers their
doc#143 heard about Lewis, even after he'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself"! </p><p> On the
doc#143 September 10, 1895, Powell and Ross rose at dawn and began their day's work. Haying
doc#143 their day's work. Haying time was close at hand, and they needed some strong branches