This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#118 of the coolant. To reduce heat transfer from the hot has to this anode holder outside
doc#118 gas (Argon). Thus, the energy transferred from the arc to the anode was partly fed back
doc#101 basic nature of government was transformed from one essentially negative in nature (the
doc#45 tax bill as a means to effect a transition from special sessions of the Legislature to
doc#45 in state government. </p><p> The transition from segregation to finances might already be
doc#133 spring before it got dark. He carried the tub from the back of the house where it hung from
doc#122 liquid phase thermal reaction, some 70 tubes from 12 different manifold fillings were prepared
doc#122 manifold fillings. Some 80 reaction tubes from 13 manifold fillings were illuminated in
doc#135 felt unutterably weary. </p><p> Dean turned from Susan and took Julia Fortune in his arms
doc#68 staff Monday, but attention quickly turned from Saturday's victory to next week's problem
doc#110 conflicts with one another, from turning from the ballot to the bullet. Yet though the
doc#136 burned powder. A horse screamed as it twisted from side to side in a frenzy. A rifle cracked
doc#135 beneath his foot when he was a stride or two from safety. Another struck him heavily in the
doc#123 is approached. At one astronomical unit from the sun (the Earth's distance) the dust
doc#119 back pressure of the manometer was built up from the material fed from between the blocks
doc#147 o'clock level". </p><p> Greg's eyes flicked up from his instrument panel. He saw them, specks
doc#104 acquaintance, a slick-headed water rat of a lad up from the maw of the city, stood on the balcony
doc#104 great spectacle. The bridge itself rises up from the river, light-flared and enormous, like
doc#137 snakes or rabbits that they might stir up from the side of the road. It took them an hour
doc#112 unsharpened chisel. Unruly hair goes straight up from his forehead, standing so high that the